About Me
Curriculum Vitae Highlights
Click here to download my full CV Click here for my full research works on ADSEducation
PhD (2018-2023)
David A. Dunlap Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto, Canada.
BS (2014-2018)
University of Virginia, USA. Major: Astronomy & Physics. Highest distinction.
Selected publications
Superclustering with ACT and DES II. (Lokken, van Engelen et al. 2024, submitted to ApJ)
ForestFlow (Chaves-Montero, Cabayol-Garcia, Lokken, Font-Ribera et al. 2024, submitted to A&A)
Boundless Baryons (Lokken, Cui, Bond et al. 2023, MNRAS)
The Simulated Catalogue of Optical Transients and Correlated Hosts (SCOTCH) (Lokken, Gagliano et al. 2023, MNRAS)
Superclustering with ACT and DES I. (Lokken, Hlozek, van Engelen et al. 2022, ApJ)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Postgraduate Scholarship - Doctoral (PGS-D) (National, Canada)
QE-II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (provincial, Ontario, Canada).
CITA Graduate Scholarship (Institutional).
Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (national, USA; declined offer to attend school in Canada).
Experience as a teaching assistant for various undergraduate courses at the University of Toronto: AST 101, 201, 251, 222, programmer support TA.
Some of my outreach activities include running workshops at IFAE for Bojos per la Física (for high school students in Catalunya, 2024), co-directing AstroTours, the graduate student-led monthly outreach event at U of T (2018-2019), and operating the U of T planetarium for public shows (2019-2020), and a public outreach talk in Toronto.
Postdoc mentor and organizer of women's lunches, IFAE (2023-present); mentorship coordinator for graduate peer mentorship, mentor to first-year graduate students and undergraduates (Toronto, 2019-2022).